Mexico Veracruz Mountain Water DECAF

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  • Regular price $19.00

Flavors to expect: Milk Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Orange, Pecan

Body: Medium

Acidity: Medium

Processing Method: Water Process Decaf

Cup Notes: We are quite grateful for the tidal push for great decaf options by producers in recent years. This Mexico water process is just one of the many fruits of that labor. It is a very balanced cup that makes for excellent espresso or pour over. In fact, it is often used in the Myth & Ember Coffee House as the "House Decaf" for all things espresso.

The cup notes on this are milk chocolate and a cane sugar sweetness in the undertone. It has a medium body and low/medium acidity, making it an excellent daily drinker or night time latte component.

Variety: Tipica, Bourbon, Caturra

Altitude: 1200-1600 Meters Above Sea Level (MASL)